UBS is one of the world's leading financial firms, serving a discerning global client base. As an organization, we combine financial strength with a reputation for innovation and a global culture which embraces change. Our vision is to be the pre-eminent global integrated investment services firm and the leading bank in Switzerland. We are the world's leading provider of private banking services and one of the largest asset managers globally. In the investment banking and securities businesses we are among the select bracket of major global houses. In Switzerland we are the clear market leader in corporate and retail banking. As an integrated Group, not a holding company, we create added value for our clients by drawing on the combined resources and expertise of all our businesses.
Services offered
UBS links its custody services and investment process as parts of an integrated investment concept. UBS is a one-stop shop for the full range of Global Custody & Investment Services. Networks linked by state-of-the-art communication technologies together with the opportunities they open up lead the way to the future.

The individual elements of the various sectors can individually be combined to fit the specific requirements.

Cost Reduction
Securities Settlements
Corporate Actions
Entitlements and redemptions
Foreign Exchange
Securities Trading

Revenue Increase
Global Securities Lending
Cash Management

Simplified Administration
Investment Accounting
Tax Reclamation

Risk Management & Controlling
Investment Reporting
Asset Allocation Analysis
Performance Measurement
Peformance Attribution
Portfolio Analysis Tool UBS PortfolioLink
Risk Management & Controlling Services